Re: Hannis aus Heimthal oder Beresowaja Hat

Ron Lange @, Montag, 13.02.2017, 19:53 (vor 2833 Tagen) @ Manuel Goehring

Hi Manuel, I have a few questions for you.How do you know that Emil's family were still alive in the 1930's? Where were they living then? Lots of people starved to death during the Hoylydmore in the 1930's,did they survive during this time???In 1915 the Russians forcibly sent all the Volyn Germans with very little notice to either Siberia or Khazikstan.Many of them either died on this long journey or starved to death there.My grandparents survived this journey,spent the war years in Omsk Siberia, being sent to Khazikstan was a lot worse then remaining in Siberia.Many of the russ-deutschers stayed in Siberia.My grandparents went back to Volyn around end of 1918.Heimthal or either Heimtal is now called Starja Buda.Auf Ukrainisch ist es Старая ьуда the letter p is r in english Я is like a y,д ist d aud englisch. Have a nice day. Poka Ron

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