Re: Hannis aus Heimthal oder Beresowaja Hat

Ron Lange @, Montag, 13.02.2017, 04:09 (vor 2833 Tagen) @ Manuel Goehring

Hi, My father was born not far from Heimtal. Most of the Germans including my fathers family left with the retreating German around November 1943. They left in a orderly fashion, no one was forced to retreat with them. Most of them went to Germany, though lots of them could of ended up in Poland. If they ended being caught by the Russians they were sent back to Russia. The Russians didnt allow any of them to resettle in Ukraine, most were sent to Siberia or Khazikstan. Also it is also possible they ended up being in the Russian zone of Germany, if so they were sent back to Russia.If they did make it to Germany there should be EZ file about them. Every german family from the former Soviet Union was interviewed by the Germans about their family history. If you can find a file about them maybe they made it to Germany. I hope this helps you a little. Tschuss Ron Lange :-)

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