Re: Eisbrenner im Raum Luzk

Iris (Steinke) Kornelsen @, Donnerstag, 07.02.2013, 05:32 (vor 4291 Tagen) @ Ansgar Mantey


I thought I would let everyone know that I finally found a connection between the two Ludwig Eisbrenner's that the discussion has been going on about.

Ludwig Eisbrenner was married to Luise Grams on February 2, 1846. She was the daughter of Johann Grams and Anna Eleonore Klatt and died April 4, 1860 in Lowicz. (Death record found).

Then on November 6, 1860 Ludwig Eisbrenner married Justine Anna Kassner, daughter of Wilhelm Kassner and Justine Grams. To confuse the issue more, Justine Grams and Luise Grams were sisters, so I guess Ludwig married his first wife's niece. (Marriage record found).

The marriage record does state that Ludwig's parents were Christoph Eisbrenner & Marianne Klatt, that he (Ludwig) was a widower since April of the same year from Luise Grams.

So it all fits together.


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