
Re: Goncharicha vs. Solomka

Irene König ⌂ @, Freitag, 10.01.2014, 18:53 (vor 4073 Tagen) @ Jerry Frank †

Cool, Jerry. Someone living in Canada knows for sure that BETTIGs are still living in former Volhynia. Something I did not expect ;-)

However, I am struggling with your statement that Goncharicha is known as Solomka or Friedrichsdorf. On your map Solomka shows up in C-7 and Gonczarycha in D-6. Also, both villages can be found with Google maps. Why do you think this is one and the same village? Or is there any map showing Solomka as Goncharicha?


Gontscharicha (Honczarycha, Гончариха), Rajon Mlinow, Oblast Rowno, Ukraine
[map]50.512, 25.8[/map]

Solomka (Sołomka, Соломка), Rajon Kostopol, Oblast Rowno, Ukraine
[map]50.81, 26.23[/map]

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