Re: Pastor Kersten aus Rozyszcze

Andreas Makarewitsch @, Mittwoch, 14.04.2021, 03:20 (vor 1433 Tagen) @ Andreas Makarewitsch

Re studio photo portrait of Martin Kersten:

It's risky reading things into how a photograph presents its subject but here goes, submitted for discussion and comment:

I consider it significant and symbolic how Martin's tunic in his right breast area contains a fold which obscures details of the military emblem. Even at a large magnification of an image of large size, try as I might but I fail to discern a clear depiction of the insignia, especially of the lower circular area intended to show the cross. It's there but there's something smudged or distorted about it.

(Image is a photo of a photo.)

In memoriam to our dear brother Martin.


I grant Forum Wolhynien permission to use this photo of Martin Kersten in its website/forum.

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