Re: Konsistorialrat u.ä.

Jerry Frank †, Donnerstag, 27.03.2003, 19:14 (vor 8015 Tagen) @ Gerhard König

Als Antwort auf: Re: Konsistorialrat u.ä. von Gerhard König am 27. März 2003 18:42:19:

Sometimes it is better to leave certain words in the original language because it is not always easy to convey a precise understanding of what is meant. For example, if I tell you I live in the province of Alberta, you know that I am referring to an administrative district of some kind but how do you compare that to one in Germany? Is it by physical size? Is it by the way it is governed? Is it by the number of towns that are in it? We also have districts called municipalities, counties, and LGD (Local Government District). These mean little to a resident of Germany and it would be difficult to find a German word to replace them. The opposite is true in trying to find an English translation for German districts.

The same might apply to our understanding of an office, title or position.

Perhaps a general explanation of the problem at the start would be best and then use the specific German words in the list.

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