Re: Sibirien.
Als Antwort auf: Re: Sibirien. von Jerry Frank am 17. März 2003 15:14:44:
(17.03.2003 - 10:08)
Thank you for your reference.
It is a brilliant website when locating a place in the eastern part of Russia. I did have a look at it about two years ago but it didn´t though bring me to the exact place.
Would you be able to refer to a site telling about the railway system in the eastern part of Russia around the time of the First World War. Most people know of the Transiberian Railway, I suppose, but there must have been minor railways in a land which had a progressing industry. has som quite interesting informations about train journeys in the western part of Russia including Wolhynia.
gesamter Thread:
- Sibirien. -
17.03.2003, 15:13
- Re: Sibirien. -
Jerry Frank †,
17.03.2003, 15:14
- Re: Sibirien. -
17.03.2003, 15:15
- Re: Sibirien. -
Jerry Frank †,
17.03.2003, 17:31
- Re: Sibirien. - Johanna, 17.03.2003, 17:33
- Re: Sibirien. -
Jerry Frank †,
17.03.2003, 17:31
- Re: Sibirien. -
17.03.2003, 15:15
- Literaturtip Sibirien -
Gerhard König,
18.03.2003, 22:20
- Bibliographie Brandes - Irene Kopetzke, 18.03.2003, 23:25
- Ort Uverschin / Uverschinsk - Gerhard König, 01.04.2003, 22:48
- Ortssuche in Sibirien -
Gerhard König,
05.04.2003, 01:34
- Re: Ortssuche im Nordkaukasus -
Gerhard König,
05.04.2003, 19:07
- Re: Ortssuche im Nordkaukasus - Johanna., 07.04.2003, 09:46
- Re: Ortssuche im Nordkaukasus -
anna erla thorsteinsdóttir,
15.12.2004, 02:24
- Re: Ortssuche im Nordkaukasus - Gerhard König, 16.12.2004, 19:13
- Re: Ortssuche im Nordkaukasus -
Gerhard König,
05.04.2003, 19:07
- Re: Sibirien. -
Jerry Frank †,
17.03.2003, 15:14