Re: Ortssuche im Nordkaukasus

anna erla thorsteinsdóttir, Mittwoch, 15.12.2004, 02:24 (vor 7337 Tagen) @ Gerhard König

Als Antwort auf: Re: Ortssuche im Nordkaukasus von Gerhard König am 05. April 2003 19:07:16:

Grandfater Gottlieb Meckle born ca 1893 from the town Kropothin nord-kaukasus.
Grandmother Emelia Meckle born ca1896 from the town Armavir Nord Kaukasus.
Theyre children Maria born 1909 Ida ? Helana? Olga 5jul 1925 Fritz ?
I think they are bourn in Wannowskoje.

greate grandfather Michael Meckle. Greate grandmother Wilhelmine Monch
greate grandfather Johann Reichenberg .Greate grandmother Luice Baumann.
sorry my englis plees help my to find my relativ.
Regards from Iceland

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