Re: Vorfahren Eduard Barz

Amanda Kuhn Kienlen @, Sonntag, 07.09.2014, 00:08 (vor 3693 Tagen) @ Waldemar Barz

Hallo Waldemar,
Thank-you for your reply. I really do not know very much. My great great grandfather was a Michael Kuhn who married Justine Gall in 1857. They lived in a village called Nedbajewka. I am only guessing that Anna Kuhn and Michael were brother and sister. Heinrich Barz is a godfather for Michael and Justine's daughter Henriette in 1872. Also, Michael Kuhn and Anna Kuhn are listed as godparents for a child of a Johan Kuhn born in Nedbajewka.

Sometime later, my branch of the Kuhn's moved to the village of Slobodka. Michael's father was also called Michael and he was born in Poland. I don't know where in Poland yet. That's is all I know for now. I think that Michael also had a sister called Elisabeth, that married a Samuel Boettcher.
I would be grateful for anything you might know about the Kuhn's.
Take Care!

Amanda Kuhn Kienlen

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