Re: Konfession ?

Valni Mueller @, Sonntag, 01.08.2004, 23:47 (vor 7486 Tagen) @ Jerry Frank †

Dear Irene, Jerry and Gerhard,

it is clear to me that it will be very hard to find where and how my relatives lived in Wolhynien. I am surching for aprox. 10 years. During this time I spoke with all relatives in Brazil that should give me some information. It is very impressive how the informations are lost and how they get deformed along the year in the family.

Now, with the internet and the Wolhynien site I think it will be more simple to get good news.

The family in Brazil is Lutheran so, I think, it is possible to concentrate the search at the Lutheran recorder.
The first son of Ignatz Mueller Jr, Gustav, was born in Chopniew in 1885. Where is Chopniew? May be Ignatz Mueller Jr and Pauline Ergang married in this city? What do you think?

As I know Ignatz Mueller (father) stay living in Wolhynien after 1882 because all the family remain there.The son Bruno (Brunislaw), borned in 1862 and married with Auguste Stiller, sent letters from Roshischtsche to his son in USA from 1912 until 1927. The son of Bruno Mueller, Albert Mueller , came to America in 1912. Could you know where and when Ignatz Mueller (father) died?

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