Familie Doberstein - Retzlaff

Tana George Laudolff @, Montag, 10.01.2022, 02:17 (vor 1040 Tagen) @ Serge Pirogov

Hello Serge,

I am interested in your line of Dobersteins.My Dobersteins were in the Nateliendorf, Zhitomir, Volhynia area in the years around 1874-1903, when this family went to America. Though the area you are interested in is a distance from where my dobersteins resided, I am aware of the other families of Dobersteins around Volhnyia.
I would be interested in sharing Doberstein research with you. My email: [...]

Thank You.
Tana George Laudolff
Doberstein, Gunther, Richter, Kitzman, Herling
Sompolno, Poland; Nateliendorf, Zhitomir, Volhynia

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