
Re: Ahnensuche MÜLLER

Irene König ⌂ @, Sonntag, 03.09.2017, 21:12 (vor 2631 Tagen) @ Bazyli Kijko

No, there is no timeframe given. I think their names are from the marriage records of their children and no further search has been done. Death could be recorded in the Ilow books which are not online for the time in question.

I did a quick check of the Secymin books (MYLLER marriages in 1851, 1869, 1873) and it seems in 1869 both parents have been deceased. http://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,list,168365,1 (login required).

On szukajwarchiwach.pl (Wyszogród 1854,#37) I stumbled upon the death entry of your Peter JAWORSKI +8 June 1854 in Boguszyn - which you may already have.


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