Re: Slabutkaj = Slobodka ?

Jerry Frank †, Freitag, 06.02.2004, 04:49 (vor 7700 Tagen) @ Nancy Thormann

To accurately determine your village location, you need another identifier. The known Slobodka are:

Slobotka-Serbowskaja aka Serbo-Slobodka

There is also Slobodskie Holendry and Slobodarka.

The most probably location is Serbo-Slobodka which you can find on this map by following the road NE from Zwiahel (Nowograd-Wolynski) until you are straight south of Emilcin. However, you will have to confirm this from additional records.

This is approximately 185 km almost due west of Kiev.

This is several thousand km south of St. Petersburg. However, all of Volhynia was included in the St. Petersburg Consistory of the Lutheran Church where the Bishop had his office. This was a vast territory that covered western Russia all the way from the Black Sea in the south all the way north to the far reaches of northwestern Russia.


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