Wilhelm Besler and Ernestine Hiller

Jose Marcos Rosin @, Cordoba, Argentina, Freitag, 15.12.2023, 07:37 (vor 402 Tagen)

Hello, sorry, I will use English, please answer me in any language, I will use Google Translate.

I'm looking for information about my great-great-grandparents Wilhelm Besler (Bessler, Wolter?) and Ernestine Hiller, parents of my great-grandmother Olga Besler(1901-1956 Paraguay), married to Ferdinand Hilscher(1891-1987 Paraguay).

All my family, Rosin and Hilscher, came from Toptscha (Topcha), Kolowert II and nearby places like Horodischtsche (Horodyszcze), so it makes a lot of sense to me that the Besler's also come from there.

According to the information that Frank Stewner put in Olga Besler's profile in FamilySearch, she was born in Horodischtsche precisely on August 6, 1901 (he didn't cite sources) and according to Gary Warner he put that she married Ferdinand Hilscher on March 18, 1923 in Poland (he also didn't cite sources), they had a daughter Alma Hilscher who was born in Europe, and then they emigrated to Argentina where they had some children until finally ending up in Paraguay where my grandmother was born.

Olga supposedly had siblings Alwine, Mathilde and Adolf, I estimate that they could also have been born near those towns, and they were surely born at some point close to her (between 1880-1920 ¿?).

So if my great-grandmother Olga was born in 1901, I suppose that her parents Wilhelm and Ernestine could have been born between 1850-1880, perhaps, they could have also been born in Poland because I understand and following the trace of the Rosins and Hilschers it's seen that at that time started the big migration from Poland to Volhynia, but I can't find any information about Wilhelm and Ernestine there either, my ancestors in Poland almost all come from the area of Wielkopolskie (Greater Poland) and Lodzkie.

But well, that, I am looking for information about Wilhelm Besler and Ernestine Hiller because they are really a mystery within my family tree, I appreciate all the answers.


Wilhelm Besler and Ernestine Hiller

Irene König ⌂ @, Freitag, 15.12.2023, 19:11 (vor 401 Tagen) @ Jose Marcos Rosin

Hallo Jose,

deine Vorfahren lebten in einem Kirchspiel, für das es fast keine Kirchenbücher mehr gibt. Ich finde leider keine Informationen zu einem Paar Wilhelm Besler & Ernestine Hiller - keine Heirat, keine Kinder.

According to the information that Frank Stewner put in Olga Besler's profile in FamilySearch, .... and according to Gary Warner...

Wenn es bei FamilySearch keine Quellen gibt, frage am besten bei den Personen an, die diese Einträge gemacht haben (Gary Warner, Frank Stewner). Diese sollten dir die Quellen (hoffentlich) nennen können.

Gruß, Irene

Wilhelm Besler and Ernestine Hiller

Matthias Sorget @, Neuenhagen bei Berlin, Dienstag, 19.12.2023, 23:40 (vor 397 Tagen) @ Jose Marcos Rosin

Hallo Jose,

In meiner Vorfahrenliste habe ich auch die Namen Besler und Hiller. Sie stammen auch aus den Raum Horodischtsche (Horodyszcze). Ich kann zwar keine Zuordnung deiner und meiner Besler's und Hillers finden, aber ich glaube du solltest mal als Ursprungsort das Kalischer Land (den Ort Konin) nehmen. Dort findest du mit Sicherheit mehr über die Besler's

Viel Erfolg

Matthias Sorget

Wilhelm Besler and Ernestine Hiller

Oskar Walter @, Ingolstadt, Mittwoch, 10.01.2024, 08:03 (vor 376 Tagen) @ Matthias Sorget

Hallo Ahnenforscher,

auch in meiner Vorfahrenliste ist der name Besler zu finden.
Konkret: Wilhelmine Besler
* 27.11.1845 in Chozepin, Kreis Poddebice, Bezirk Lodz, Kongresspolen; † ..,.., 1926 in Kutusowka; Kreis Pulin, Gebiet Shitomir, Wolhynien

Viel Erfolg!

Wilhelm Besler and Ernestine Hiller

Mark Wolter @, Donnerstag, 22.02.2024, 10:58 (vor 333 Tagen) @ Jose Marcos Rosin

Hi there!

Maybe I can give you Information on the Family.

I am in direct line of the Beslers.

Adoph‘s niece still is alive … 87 years old.

Contact me directly.

Best wishes, Mark

Wilhelm Besler and Ernestine Hiller

José Marcos Rosin @, Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, Dienstag, 05.03.2024, 23:44 (vor 320 Tagen) @ Mark Wolter


There I send you an update of the searches I did during this time.

The Adolf I am looking for had to have migrated to Canada, and he had to have been born probably between 1890 and 1895.

He had to have a sister in Paraguay, visited her and sent her letters.

Are we talking about the same Adolf? If so, great, I'll contact you for more information.

Wilhelm Besler and Ernestine Hiller

Rosin @, Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, Dienstag, 05.03.2024, 23:38 (vor 320 Tagen) @ Jose Marcos Rosin

Hello, thank you all for your responses, I would like to update the information I have.

For quick context to remember: Ernestine Hiller and Wilhelm Besler were my great-great-grandparents.


I have gone to the main source: my GRANDMOTHER (Rosa Hilscher) who is still alive thank God, she would be the granddaughter of Wilhelm and Ernestine, my grandmother's mother: Olga Besler died when my grandmother was 20 years old.

She told me that indeed my great-grandmother's brothers were called Mathilde, Adolph and Alwine.

The order by age was:
1. Adolph
2. Mathilde
3. Alwine
4. Olga

When my great-grandmother (Olga) born, Ernestine Hiller apparently died.


Other facts about the brothers:

Adolph visited my great-grandmother in Paraguay.
Adolph lived in Canada and wrote letters with my great-grandmother Olga.
She may have also sent letters with Mathilde.

The reason why my grandmother only remembers those 3 brothers is because they were the natural brothers of her mother(her uncles).

The four of them loved each other very much since after Olga they were left without a mother.

The confusion with the surname Wolter may have been that Alwine married a Wolter (Johann Wolter) and called herself Alwine Wolter.


Wilhelm Besler had more children later, apparently he married another woman, who were my great-grandmother's half-brothers, but no one remembers their names.

Wilhelm Besler was perhaps widowed more than once.


Information I found in the EWZ archives that I'm pretty sure are my great-grandmother's brothers:


Alwine Besler, married to Johann Wolter, born in Horodyzczce, 1899.


Both parents are listed as dead by 1940

Instead of Ernestine the mother is named Augustine, typo?


Margarethe Hoft (born in Kolowert, 1926)

Mathilde Besler, married to Emil Hoft (1879-)



As Adolf was the eldest (according to my grandmother) one would expect him to have been born before 1896 (the year Matilda was presumably born).

Furthermore I can affirm that Ernestine Hiller who died most likely in 1901 (the year my great-grandmother Olga was born), 1902 or close to there, useful to refine the search.


Anyone who has taken the time to read all this, thank you, I'm happy to share things about my family, thanks to Margarit Schäfer also who helped me a little too.

I'm catching up on what you wrote on the forum, I'm honest, I haven't read it since Christmas when you closed it, sorry for not responding faster, +90% of this search was done during the holiday period between Christmas and New Year, nothing more, thank you.

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