Fliegende Kommission und Liste der Familien in Wolhynien

Helen Gillespie @, Ottawa, Mittwoch, 22.01.2025, 23:05 (vor 19 Tagen) @ Gerhard König

Vielen Dank Gerhard.
I did know some of that info but was hopeful that there might have been a list of names from each village. Everyone did get a V number that was noted on the Stammblatt. I guess I assumed this was related to village lists. And yes, I was aware of the privacy issue, although many must have been missed as I was fortunate to have all my immediate family Stammblaetter.

I have read Ludwig Brenner's articles on the Commission process (Wolhynische Hefte Folge 9, S.57-69) which was quite detailed and informative. Brenner immigrated to Canada after the war and died in Edmonton, Alberta.

Unfortunately Stefan Doering's book is not in any Canadian library that I have found, although there are copies in American University libraries (check worldcat.org)

Again, my thanks for your prompt reply.

Helen Gillespie (geb. Kukasch)

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