Re: Schultz "Lodz"

Jerry Frank †, Mittwoch, 14.09.2005, 22:42 (vor 7122 Tagen) @ Michael Grohn

Als Antwort auf: Re: Schultz "Lodz" von Michael Grohn am 14. September 2005 22:16:09:

I can read German a little but cannot write it very well. Ich kann ein bischen Deutsch schreiben aber nicht sehr gut. The LDS have microfilms of church records for Trinity Lutheran in Lodz (see - auf Deutsch). SGGEE also has extracted some of the records for early years 1826-1841 with the next 10 years in progess. If your information is for those years, please send the details and I will look to see if I can find the people for you.

It is of course possible that your ancestors lived in a small village near Lodz and their records are in a different church book.

Jerry Frank

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