Re: Karl Schultz

david j schultz @, Mittwoch, 13.12.2017, 00:23 (vor 2530 Tagen) @ Irene König


It is my first time on the site I did not know that I was supposed to post everything I have all at one time when I needed more information. I hope you don't feel like you have wasted your time you have been very helpful in helping me find my ancestors and that is a very important thing.

For example it was not until you helped me that now I know that all the German Baptist were in one area and that the indexer could misread the names on the documents. And that some people that I thought maybe my ancestors are indeed my ancestors. These are very important things for someone who is not as familiar with the tools available as say some others. So don't think you were wasting your time because you were not.

Thank you again for all your time and help.


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