Re: Freier from Marinkow

Horst Renz @, Mittwoch, 21.06.2017, 16:28 (vor 2705 Tagen) @ Jessie D

Hello Jessie,
the German residents of Marinkow were evacuated in 1916, during the First World War (1914-1918) and after the war, most of them returned and it was still a German colony until the winter of 1940, which was during the second World War. Ewald Freier (*1917) and Hedwig Freier (*1915) were the grandchildren of Ludwig Freier--Louise Stach, so would have been your grandfather, Emil's first cousins, once removed, the children of his cousin Julius. As far as further information re. Marinkow: There is a list of the residents in 1926 and also one for 1939. I don't have access to those lists, but could try to research that for you. If Michael Freier's parents or any of his siblings were still in Volhynia at the end of 1939, they would show up in the EWZ records , which are all on microfilm at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. If they are in those records , it could prove invaluable in your genealogical research.
Regards. Horst

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