Kamien family

eliane elena balko mettifogo @, Dienstag, 14.03.2017, 23:38 (vor 2803 Tagen)


I wonder if you have seen any records of the Kamien family?
The parents of my maternal grandmother were Melida Schreiber and Viktor Kamien. They came from Germany to Brazil with their parents and were married in Brazil.
For years I've been researching here in Brazil and I can not find any clue where they might have come from.
I believe they came from the region of Volyn, because everyone here when talking about Volyn says that he came from Russia.
The couple's first child was born in Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil in 1908, so they came a few years earlier.
Melida was born in 1894.
If anyone can tell me at least if they really could have lived in that region or if I should try elsewhere it would already be a clue.

Re: Kamien family

Ansgar Mantey, Mittwoch, 15.03.2017, 01:33 (vor 2803 Tagen) @ eliane elena balko mettifogo

Hello Eliane

Who are the parents of Melida Schreiber and Viktor Kamien?
Do you have more informations about Viktor and his family?

Melida was born in 1894. Her first child was born 1908. She was 14 years old. It seems to be something wrong.:gruebel:


Re: Kamien family

eliane balko mettifogo @, Mittwoch, 15.03.2017, 02:30 (vor 2803 Tagen) @ Ansgar Mantey


She had her first child at age 14, although it was not common.
Melida's parents were named Wenzel Schreiber and Henriqueta Schreiber.
I do not have the maiden name of the mother, since here in Brazil it was custom to take my maiden name and assume the surname of the husband. Viktor's parents were called Johann and Maria / Mariana Kamien, and a woman also did not have a maiden name.
This is the biggest problem of the German immigrants in Brazil, our records of almost all families are those that surnames of the women and all the records are those that came from GERMANY.
As far as I knew Viktor was the only son and had a 5 Or 6 sisters, but did not say he had a brother who had stayed in Germany.
Anyway, there are few chances that I will get any information about them because I do not have more data to provide.
I was hoping someone would have known someone with this last name because I already researched SGGEE and I did not find the last name.



Re: Kamien family

Marcelo Boroske ⌂ @, Mittwoch, 15.03.2017, 21:33 (vor 2803 Tagen) @ eliane elena balko mettifogo

Olá, Eliane!

Eu sou brasileiro também (por isso escreverei em português mesmo) e minha linha de pesquisa é bem parecida com a sua.
Não sei se você já fez isso, mas o primeiro passo que eu dei foi entrar em contato com o Arquivo Nacional Brasileiro. Lá consegui obter documentos e informações muito importantes (como datas e nomes de cidades) que me ajudaram a nortear melhor as minhas pesquisas.
Sugiro que entre em contato com eles por e-mail ou pelo site: http://www.arquivonacional.gov.br/


Marcelo Boroske

Re: Kamien family

eliane elena balko mettifogo @, Mittwoch, 15.03.2017, 21:42 (vor 2802 Tagen) @ Marcelo Boroske

Oi Marcelo,

Obrigada pela dica .
Escrevi para lá , mas a espera é de 180 dias conforme o email que recebi deles.
Vc podia contar mais como foi a sua experiência?
Meu email ...
A parte brasileira dessa família mora no RS mas lá ninguém sabe nada de nada .
Então, resolvi tentar aqui já este fórum é muito famoso.


Moderator: Para contatos usar o ícone de e-mail, por favor.


Re: Kamien family

Irene König ⌂ @, Donnerstag, 16.03.2017, 18:06 (vor 2802 Tagen) @ eliane elena balko mettifogo

Hello Eliane.

So, they emigrated to Brazil (with their parents?), they've got married there, they died there and with all this there is no mention of their place of origin? Very unusual, but, without a place of birth or at least a county or district, you will not be able to trace this family.


Re: Kamien family

eliane balko mettifogo @, Donnerstag, 16.03.2017, 18:35 (vor 2802 Tagen) @ Irene König

Hi Irene,
I know it's practically impossible to find any clue.
I've looked in all forums for people who might have had this last name to see if I could figure out what part of Europe they came from, but so far I've had no luck.
The family has no documents that could indicate either the date they arrived in Brazil.
Anyway, maybe one day I'll end up bumping into some relative ....
Thank you for your attention.

Re: Kamien family

Carlo Cesar Hennig @, Freitag, 24.03.2017, 12:27 (vor 2794 Tagen) @ eliane balko mettifogo

Ola Eliane, os Emigrantes migraram para qual região no RGS. Santa Rosa?

Re: Kamien family

eliane elena balko mettifogo @, Freitag, 24.03.2017, 18:10 (vor 2794 Tagen) @ Carlo Cesar Hennig

Sim, moravam na linha 23 de julho em Ubiretama

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