Re: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka)

Jerry Frank †, Donnerstag, 09.12.2004, 06:00 (vor 7343 Tagen) @ Claudia Hass

Als Antwort auf: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka) von Claudia Hass am 09. Dezember 2004 04:13:11:

Fedorowka (or Feodorowka) can be identified.

Go to and click on Zitomir. Then click on #44 Yemilchino (= Emilcin). Enlarge the map if necessary.

Go to vertical line 58 and then down to horizontal line 24. Just above that is a town begining Cepbo ... That is Serbo-Slobodka. To the west, the next town is BapBapoBka which is Warwarowka. Fedorowka was on the road between those 2 villages. I think it was probably the western part of what today is Serbo-Slobodka.

Neudorf translates to New Village and this is a problem because there are several in Volhynia with that name or that begin with that name. The closest to Fedorowka is Neudorf-Tomara (also known as Nechworascha). The precise location of that village is not known but it would have been in the extreme lower right corner of this map.

There was a larger Neudorf further east. Many Baptists lived in this area though also some Lutherans. It is found on map #57, to the left of vertical line 92 and just above horizontal line 04.

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