Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka)

Claudia Hass, Donnerstag, 09.12.2004, 04:13 (vor 7343 Tagen)

my name is Claudia Hass and my grandfather Friedrich was born in Fedorowka, Wolinien. His sister EMilia and he they came to ARgentina in 1925/1927. I would like to know if that city still have the same name because I want to know where exactly my grandfather was born and if he had any broders or sisters.
Friedrich Albert Hass was born in 1888 but he lived in Neudorf, that is Wolinien too?
thank you so much to translate my message.
and thank you for the answers that you will have.

Re: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka)

Jerry Frank †, Donnerstag, 09.12.2004, 06:00 (vor 7343 Tagen) @ Claudia Hass

Als Antwort auf: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka) von Claudia Hass am 09. Dezember 2004 04:13:11:

Fedorowka (or Feodorowka) can be identified.

Go to http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/EART/x-ussr/ukraine.html and click on Zitomir. Then click on #44 Yemilchino (= Emilcin). Enlarge the map if necessary.

Go to vertical line 58 and then down to horizontal line 24. Just above that is a town begining Cepbo ... That is Serbo-Slobodka. To the west, the next town is BapBapoBka which is Warwarowka. Fedorowka was on the road between those 2 villages. I think it was probably the western part of what today is Serbo-Slobodka.

Neudorf translates to New Village and this is a problem because there are several in Volhynia with that name or that begin with that name. The closest to Fedorowka is Neudorf-Tomara (also known as Nechworascha). The precise location of that village is not known but it would have been in the extreme lower right corner of this map.

There was a larger Neudorf further east. Many Baptists lived in this area though also some Lutherans. It is found on map #57, to the left of vertical line 92 and just above horizontal line 04.

Re: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka)

Claudia Hass, Montag, 13.12.2004, 04:06 (vor 7339 Tagen) @ Jerry Frank †

Als Antwort auf: Re: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka) von Jerry Frank am 09. Dezember 2004 06:00:56:

thank you so much for the information. its very important to me.thank you again

Re: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka)

Jochen Ulrich Hass, Montag, 27.06.2005, 21:44 (vor 7142 Tagen) @ Claudia Hass

Als Antwort auf: Re: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka) von Claudia Hass am 13. Dezember 2004 04:06:51:

Hallo Claudia,
my name is Jochen Ulrich Hass. I have read the hompage from wolinien home you're question. My grandfahter Reinhold Hass was born in Shikow, Wolinien in the year 1901. He has 10 brothers and sisters. 1917 he travel to germany. One brother's name was Albert Hass. Many brother from Reinhold Hass had the second name Albert. My fahter's name was Gotthard Albert Hass. I search my family in Wolinien, too. Maybe from the same family. When i know more, i writting a e-mail. We live in Germany in the near from Berlin.
I hope we writting again.


Re: families Hass in Federowka

Gerhard König ⌂, Donnerstag, 09.12.2004, 06:17 (vor 7343 Tagen) @ Claudia Hass

Als Antwort auf: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka) von Claudia Hass am 09. Dezember 2004 04:13:11:

You can compare the datas in the Odessa-library: http://www.odessa3.org/search.html

I found in the village Feodorowka for example this families with your surname HASS:

family of HASS, August & GOGOLIN, Johanna
HASS, Albert * 15.04.1875 in Feodoramka or Feodorowka
HASS, August * 26.02.1877 in Feodoramka or Feodorowka
HASS, Johanna * 22.03.1873 in Feodoramka or Feodorowka

family of HASS, Albert & MUELLER, Wilhelmine
oo 16.11.1877 in the parish Zhitomir
HASS, Bertha Alwine Auguste * 9.04.1880 in Feodorawka

Please note: this are two examples only. For your search you need the names of the parents from your grandfather Friedrich HASS.


Re: families Hass in Federowka

Claudia Hass, Montag, 13.12.2004, 04:02 (vor 7339 Tagen) @ Gerhard König

Als Antwort auf: Re: families Hass in Federowka von Gerhard König am 09. Dezember 2004 06:17:18:

thanks for your answer. the names in Spanish of my GGparents are:
Alberto Hass and Guillermina Müeller. there are similar names in the list but my grandfather`s name doesnt appeared.
where can I found about my gfather?

Re: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka)

marcio woltman, Mittwoch, 14.09.2005, 20:50 (vor 7063 Tagen) @ Claudia Hass

Als Antwort auf: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka) von Claudia Hass am 09. Dezember 2004 04:13:11:


mein name ist marcio woltmann,
ich machte wissen ob parents haben?
mein grossfatter ist Alexandre Woltmann,
von Wolinien,
geboren: 18-01-1900

Re: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka)

Michael Grohn ⌂ @, Mittwoch, 14.09.2005, 22:28 (vor 7063 Tagen) @ marcio woltman

Als Antwort auf: Re: Hass family in Wolinien (Federowka) von marcio woltman am 14. September 2005 20:50:26:

Hallo Marcio,

in der Odessa Digital Library [link]http://www.odessa3.org/search.html[link] findest Du einige Woltmanns. In dem Feld "Query String:" gibst Du den Namen ein, in dem Feld "Data Category:" wählst Du "St. Petersburg Archives" aus. Die Daten sind allerdings von vor 1900. Aber vielleicht findest Du hier weitere Hinweise.

Viele Grüße

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