Re: Stremel/Muller

Jerry Frank †, Freitag, 13.08.2004, 12:46 (vor 7461 Tagen) @ Maria Mikolics

That would be Tschermoschna located about 20 km NW of Zhitomir. This is a short distance north of the highway between Zhitomir and Nowograd Wolhynsk.

Go to and click on Zhitomir, then #57. Enlarge the resulting map if necessary.

Go to the lower right, intersection of vertical line 00 and horizontal 82. That is the village, right on the rail line.

I see from your email address that you are in Australia. Did your ancestors flee Russia by way of Harbin, China? SGGEE has a member in Australia whose Volhynian ancestors fled that way. He attended one of our conventions here in Canada a few years ago. If you'd like to contact someone locally (I think he has had some success with his search), I will send you his email address privately.

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