Re: Familie Grek

Bogdan Grek @, Freitag, 21.06.2013, 21:11 (vor 4014 Tagen) @ Diethard Kolewe

Hello Diethard !

I'm Bogdan Grek from Poland. Last year in January 2012 I asked you to find out some information about my forefathers, especially my grandmother (the mother of my father) - Julia Grek. Thank you for the information that I receieved from you so far. Now I have a question: could you help me to find out the birthdates of Julia's children because among them there was my father - Adam Grek (born in 1917 in Zaborol). If you can't find such information could you tell me where I can get the information about the place and the date of my father's birth? This is because I want to get to know if all the information is correct or not. As far as I know I'll never get to know the dates about my grandfather (the father of my father). I assume that my grandmother - Julia Grek wasn't married. That's it for now. I'll still struggle with this history ! Thank you for your help. I'm looking forward to hearing from you ! :-)
Best wishes,

Bogdan Grek

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