Hinz, Welke from Alt Kuran

sherlyn ferguson @, Sonntag, 29.02.2004, 08:35 (vor 7661 Tagen)

Could you help me find out info of my grandmother. My mothers baptisim paper said she was baptized in Tuczyn, at the time of my grandmothers death they where living in Alt Kuran. Her name was Julianna Hinz and she married my grandfather August Welke, any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

yours truly
sherlyn ferguson


Können Sie mir helfen, Informationen über meine Großmutter zu finden? Auf dem Taufschein meiner Mutter steht, daß sie in Tuczyn getauft wurde. Als meine Großmutter starb, lebten sie in Alt Kuran. Sie hieß Julianna HINZ und war mit meinem Großvater August WELKE verheiratet. Ich würde mich über jegliche Hilfe freuen.

Re: Hinz, Welke from Alt Kuran

Margrit Hilscher @, Sonntag, 29.02.2004, 20:15 (vor 7660 Tagen) @ sherlyn ferguson

Hi Sherlyn,

can you tell us when your grandmother Julianna Hinz was born or baptized in Tuczyn? That would help us a lot in researching your ancestors.

Until now, I guess that Alt Kuran is identical with Stare Kurhany which means as well "old" Kuran. In the St Pete records (http://www.odessa3.org/search.html) I found the birth of a Julianna Hinz on May 23rd,1881 in Berestowetz. This place is rather close to Stare Kurhany in the Tuczyn parish. She was born as daughter of Christian Hinz and Wilhelmine Sager.
Then there is a birth notified of Pauline Welke in Kuran at Jul 6th,1885, daughter of Ferdinand Welke and Henriette Silberman. May be Pauline is a relative to your August Welke.

We can do more research, if you give in the dates you have of Julianna Hinz.

Kind regards


Re: Hinz, Welke from Alt Kuran

sherlyn ferguson, Montag, 01.03.2004, 20:15 (vor 7659 Tagen) @ Margrit Hilscher

Als Antwort auf: Re: Hinz, Welke from Alt Kuran von Margrit Weigel am 29. Februar 2004 20:15:37:

My grandmother died in 1911, I do not know how old she was

Re: Hinz, Welke from Alt Kuran

sherlyn ferguson, Samstag, 13.03.2004, 01:46 (vor 7648 Tagen) @ Margrit Hilscher

Als Antwort auf: Re: Hinz, Welke from Alt Kuran von Margrit Weigel am 29. Februar 2004 20:15:37:

thank you for the information you have found. Is there any possible way you can find out exactly when she died in 1911, is there also anymore information you could give me on her parents?


Re: Hinz from parish Tuczyn

Gerhard König ⌂, Montag, 01.03.2004, 20:45 (vor 7659 Tagen) @ sherlyn ferguson

Als Antwort auf: Hinz, Welke from Alt Kuran von sherlyn ferguson am 29. Februar 2004 08:35:35:


I found this entry in the Baptist church book of Tuczyn:

In 1892, February 28, Wilhelm Friedrichow HINZ, peasant from colony Antonowka Volost Beresensk, came to the office of the Volost Tutschin to declare in this same year that on February 16 from marriage with Julianna Friedrichowa RAIMANN (REIMANN) born daugther Emilia, marriage dated November 18, 1880. By name of parents and marriage witnesses came from colony Antonowka the colonists Ludwig Samuelow HENKE and Emil Friedrichow ALBRECHT at time of marriage. Proving about this newborn baby by name of parents equally proves about time of baby being born and have come in person to prove with witnesses from colony Antonowka the colonists Gottlieb Gottliebow ZENIK and Wilhelm Wilhelmow JASTER. Declares Wilhelm HINZ by his wish, signed for him from Jakow BINDER. Witnesses colonists Ludwig HENKE, Emil ALBRECHT, Gottlieb ZENIK and Wilhelm JASTER. By huge wish signed from Jakow BINDER. Written in this book and all the above statements proved by Sergeant Major M. TKATSCHUK.

It can be from your family. Are you heard one of this names?


Re: Hinz from parish Tuczyn

sherlyn ferguson, Dienstag, 02.03.2004, 02:52 (vor 7659 Tagen) @ Gerhard König

Als Antwort auf: Hinz from parish Tuczyn von Gerhard König am 01. März 2004 20:45:37:

thank you for the information but the names do not sound farmiliar.

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