Re: Wappler Familie

Irene Kopetzke, Donnerstag, 28.08.2003, 13:17 (vor 7862 Tagen) @ Erika Wilder

Als Antwort auf: Re: Wappler (Wapler) Familie von Erika Wilder am 27. August 2003 00:24:02:

The HOK (Heimatortskartei, Kirchlicher Suchdienst) has a special form, but you may also send a query without that form. Write down as much as you know about the family members you are looking for: name of parents, wife/husband, children, birthdates, places where they lived, profession, when they left Poland, who you are, how you are related to them and the reason why you want to get in touch with them.

If they have a WAPPLER from the Konin area in their Database they'll try to contact him. They will not forward his address to you, only if the person writes back to tell them they are allowed to do so. This procedure will take some months and there is a fee involved.

Regarding the records of the BDC - the National Archives in Washington has microfilm copies. Part of it, not all, is also available at Family History Centers throughout the world. Note that you will find relatives among the Berlin Document Center records only if they applied for German citizenship during the period 1939-1945. For more information see:


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